Bachelors in Theology

Certificate in Bible studies |Ministerial Diploma | Bachelors in Theology| Masters in Theology |Doctorate in Theology | Doctorate in Divinity | Doctorate in Philosophy

Spiritual Warfare Part I

There is a great war being waged in the world today. It is not a conflict between nations, tribes, or government leaders. It is not a rebellion or coup. It is an important invisible battle taking place in the spirit world. The Bible states that God’s people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). One of the main areas in which believers are being defeated due to lack of knowledge is in spiritual warfare.

The Lordship of Christ

The authority belongs to God , and any other proof of authority is specifically given by him in his name to fulfill his orders. This kind of divine authority was only used by Jesus and given to us the church by him. The only people who are under the Lordship of Christ act upon the will of Jesus , “ For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. ” Matthew 7:29 . This personal encounter with God’s authority must be indispensable for every believer, because God’s actions come from his throne , obedience does not come from the throne of God , obedience is learned through a process of suffering , the more you suffer the more you learn obedience, Hebrews 5: 8 , the less you suffer the further you are from the Lordship of Christ .

Divorce and Remarriage

Christians are flooding the offices of counselors and psychologists in order to solve seemingly irreconcilable conflicts. Not only are personal their lives in uncertainty, but the debate of pastors and Bible scholars have changed their minds on the issue of divorce and remarriage, certainly leaves the layman with much confusion. This manual bound with biblical texts that speak on this subject, using arguments presented by the authors , and different versions and translations , so that they can benefit fully from the biblical stand point.

Spiritual Warfare Part II

In Spiritual Warfare, Satan tries to destroy the lines of communication. He will try to get us to stop praying and reading the Bible, because these provide instruction and life to Spirtual Warfare. Remember to always that the power in front line battle is the communication with General of the battle.

Character and Charisma of a Leader

The irritation of daily life exposes the weakness in the daily lives of many people. How do you respond to the pressure and deception of life? The most important fundamental for a leader is his character, not his charisma.

Ministerial Ethics

There are practices in all human relationships that enable greater harmony , reduce points of intention , and the call to the ministry within the church , lead to confidence and credibility among those in charge of representative leadership ( elders, deacons and ministers the word).

Power Principles

The truth of the Gospel is two-fold. First, it is the Word of God as revealed in the Holy Bible. To know the Scriptures you must study, understand, and apply them. But the truth of the Gospel is more than the Scriptures. It is also the power of God. To know the power of God you must understand and apply power principles. The power of God must become a reality in your life through experience.

Knowing God’s Voice

One of the most exciting revelations in the Bible is that God has a definite plan for every individual for this life and eternity. In order to fulfill these plans you must come to know God’s voice. You must learn how He has communicated in times past and how He speaks today. This course explains how God speaks to man and how to find God’s will for your life. Guidelines are given on knowing the voice of God and determining His will. The pattern of God’s will and Scriptural examples of how God reveals His will are discussed.

Spiritual Paternity

We travel through biblical history where we see God uniting the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their parents through an understanding of the principles of spiritual fatherhood that are a perfect model of God for all families . You might be fleeing the blessing and destiny for not respecting his paternal authority. If you have to be effective in this life , you must follow parental training . You must be in total obedience to Him and their delegated authorities .

Principles of Counseling

Who has the credentials needed to advise? The answer depends on the level of counseling that you intend to give. If you want to help a people with physical problems , it will require a credential in the medical branch. If you want to give psychological counseling , it is expected to have a title and appropriate training in that branch. On the other hand, if you want to give spiritual counseling, you must have spiritual discernment and life consistent with the advice you give to others.