Higher Ministerial Education
It is a ministry of ancient and noble calling within the church, related to ministerial work of Pastor and his congregation.
The chaplain’s ministry is to share and offer God’s love to those who are in need. Chaplains are men and women who accept the commitment to be instruments of God in the process of restoring mental, physical, social and spiritual health of humanity – specially those individuals in need. Chaplains work to comfort, encourage, assist and guide those who suffer tragedy. Chaplains try in some way to help others in need of rebuilding in life.
To contribute to the integral development of the society providing the highest clinical pastoral education and training ministers, chaplains, and professional counselors who work efficiently as agents of change in regional, national institutions, and governmental agencies.
Promote training of men and women in the field of pastoral care and professional counseling as well as propelling the profession of chaplaincy and counseling as disciplines committed to the well-being of human beings.
- To train and develop professional chaplains and counselors that can provide short and lomong term chaplaincy service and minister in prisons, hospitals, government and private organizations.
- Provide certification, education, and professional support for chaplains serving the people of God through the ministry of support, accompaniment, reconciliation, professional counseling and pastoral psychotherapy.
- Promote professional fellowship through pastoral encounters that are characterized by spiritual communion.
- Promote Christian values and ethical principles modeled according to Jesus of Nazareth
- Facilitate and promote the integration of psychology, counseling, sociology and theology
- Contribute to strengthening families and society
- Serve as an intermediary between government, private institutions and Christian chaplains, watching the professional practice of the chaplaincy, and providing the widest possible collaboration, the public and private sector
- Provide members with the necessary tools so that they can provide high quality pastoral ministry, but mostly lift up the name of the Creator and Redeemer.
Educacion Ministerial Avanzada
El ministerio del capellán es compartir y ofrecer el amor de Dios a todos aquellos que se encuentren en necesidad. Los Capellanes son hombres y mujeres que aceptan el compromiso de ser instrumentos de Dios en su proceso de restaurar la salud mental, física, social y espiritual de la humanidad – especialmente de los más necesitados.
Misión: Promocionar la capacitación de hombres y mujeres en el campo del cuidado pastoral y de la consejería profesional, así como también el propulsar la profesión de la capellanía y consejería como disciplinas comprometidas con el bienestar integral de los seres humanos.
Matthew 25:35-40 - "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
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