Doctorate in Theology

Certificate in Bible studies |Ministerial Diploma | Bachelors in Theology| Masters in Theology |Doctorate in Theology | Doctorate in Divinity | Doctorate in Philosophy

49 Secrets of Power for Living

This book reveals the 49 “Secrets ” of power that come from the application of each of the commandments of Christ. Success and power for life occur as increasingly conform to the image of Christ. Success is not the absence of problems but rather the power to overcome these obstacles , because ” Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (I John 4: 4 ) . Discover and experience the power of the spiritual laws of the Kingdom to demonstrate the great love and power of God to a watching world ! Paperback, 116 pages in Color .

Magical Bandages

This Manuel covers topics such as spiritual abuse , manipulation and mind control , which make the false shepherds and false members of the body of Christ . (Ezekiel 13: 16-18)

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

During one of his missionary trips the Apostle Paul questioned a group of believers about the Holy Spirit. He asked if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed . His answer was , “We have not even heard that there Holy Spirit” ( Acts 19 : 2 ) . Paul shared the message of the ministry of the Holy Spirit with these Christians ( Acts 19 ) .

Foundations of Faith

The basic doctrines of the Christian faith are the subject of this course . Doctrines are a collection of teachings about a certain subject. The basic doctrines of the Christian faith are the teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible.

Power for True Success

We need the power to live a life of ” Character ” The forty-nine character qualities mentioned in this book are expressions of genuine love . Each quality is explained in the Word of God , the ultimate source of ” Wisdom and Character ”


Revelation Unveiled

The Biblical Foundation for the Best-selling Left Behind Series . . . In the twinkling of an eye, millions of people across the world vanish, resulting in highway catastrophes, plane crashes, utility breakdowns, and more. Chaos reigns. With the stage set, a dictator emerges who persecutes Christians horribly. But tribulation is about to give way to incredible joy — for the return of the King of Kings is at hand. In Revelation Unveiled, Dr. Tim LaHaye, co-author with Jerry Jenkins of the best-selling novels Left Behind and Tribulation Force, reveals the scriptural foundation of this series. Revelation Unveiled explains such critical topics as:

  • The rapture of the church
  • The Return of Christ
  • The Great Tribulation
  • The Final Battle against Satan and His Hosts
  • The Seven Seals
  • The Millenial Reign
  • The Seven Trumpets
  • The Seven Bowls of Wrath
  • The Great White Throne
  • The Destruction of Babylon
  • The New Heaven and New Earth

Revelation Unveiled will help you better understand this mysterious, final book of the Bible and its implications

Supernatural Architecture


Supernatural Architecture: It is a book that has dealt with questions related to the pattern of divine blessing today, and salient features of the churches which have received blessing of the XXI Century. The Scriptures reveal that Jesus only did what his father told him to do … (The things of God), healing those oppressed by the devil, for God was with him (Emanuel). When we recognize that Jesus acted according to the wishes of the Father, doing the work he was called to do, we see an influential intention of immense importance. Blind Jesus: Jesus was blind to leprosy; he did not see a leper, the saw a man, Jesus was blind to adultery; he did not see adultery; He saw a woman, children were not a nuisance, but the heirs of the kingdom, there was a Samaritan woman, but a woman thirsty There was a soldier with a sick child, only one parent with a broken heart. What made Jesus to be so accessible, and what made the power of God out of him when he had faith, compassion that was felt by the “whoever wishes” of their day. What he made Jesus wanted, which seemed to untie the power of God through faith that he was manifested and produced the compassion that he felt for the common man. Jesus followed the procedure to expand the kingdom of God on this earth often overlooked strategy for the growth of the modern church. He called a couple of fishermen and promised them that would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4: 18-22). Before calling them, gold all night, seeking the wisdom of the Father, and then chose twelve men among his disciples who already were following to be His apostles (Luke 6: 12-13). When he called, he first called to be with him. Because, as discussed in more detail in studying this subject, the focus of Jesus’ ministry was to provide the plans and purposes of the Father. The would train and teach his disciples to eventually they were sent with the Good News of the kingdom of God.

The life of the Kingdom

This course involves the Kingdom of God. He introduces the two spiritual kingdoms , their rulers, and residents . It provides spiritual keys to gain access to the Kingdom of God and warns of things that produce the expulsion of the Kingdom. examines the past , present, and future of this Kingdom , Kingdom parables are explained , and life principles are emphasized.

The Throne and Your Rights

It is ours by birth, by adoption and conquest. Proclaims that God has ” enthroned with Christ in heavenly places ” we If it is true that you have been identified with Christ in His death, burial , resurrection, ascension and enthroned , then all this requires an amazing change in your lifestyle . “For we too were foolish , disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures , living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another . If you want to get anywhere with God , you will have to start thinking of the way he thinks, and say what he says .

The History of the Eagle

This book tells the story of an eagle and the cunning of a hunter, it is an exciting analogy of the situations as people face every day and gives us a great lesson on how subtle is the deceitfulness of sin . It includes a study of the nature of the habits of the eagle, revelation of Scripture , questions seven practical steps to gain victory over sinful habits . Hardcover , 84 pages in color