Masters in Theology

Certificate in Bible studies |Ministerial Diploma | Bachelors in Theology| Masters in Theology |Doctorate in Theology | Doctorate in Divinity | Doctorate in Philosophy

Battle for the Body Part I

The armor of God is likened to a sword , and the attack of Satan burning flejas were called and faith was the good warfare , and the believers who make war the ” Good Fight ” they said , the early church knew that she was engaged in a intense spiritual struggle. The defeat of a believer is due to the lack of knowledge in this spiritual war. And there’s another part of this war manifested in the physical realm , in this class we call Battle for the Body , explore this class.

Disloyalty VS Loyalty

Because teaching on this subject: for several reasons , the scriptures are filled by stories of people as faithful as treacherous , In this class you will find seven reasons why teach on the subject of loyalty and disloyalty , know the stages , knowing the signs and how to combat them , remember the fifth column was the one that destroyed the ” Trojans ” she infiltrates within the congregation and from there she combat. It was necessary that Judas knew where , how much and at what times Jesus prayed to deliver it.

Evangelism as Yeast Part I

Almost two thirds of the world’s population has never heard the gospel, because there are about 1,700 languages and the world has less than 50 years , this book helps us know how to reach the Great Commission entrusted by Jesus , the word ID and to do while you go and whom you can achieve and how to communicate the gospel.

Methodologies Of Multiplication

In the beginning of the world, God’s first command to His newly created people was to multiply. His first command to recreated, “born-again” believers is the same. We are to multiply spiritually and fill the earth with others like ourselves; people who love God and walk in fellowship with Him. This course shares Biblical methods of spiritual reproduction which will enable you to multiply in obedience to God’s command. You will learn how to multiply spiritually as an individual and corporately within the context of the local church. If you apply the Biblical principles taught in this course, you can be responsible for the multiplication of thousands of trained and motivated believers.

Rediscovering the Kingdom

When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. All of the past ideologies have failed-humanism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, socialism and even democracy. This is a philosophy, an ideology that will not fail, for it was bore in the heart of God Himself.

Evangelism as Yeast Part II

This volume is the last course of the final model , Jesus never commissioned anyone to preach the Gospel without also commanding them to minister healing and deliverance, Jesus said that while he will heal the sick, expelling demons, where healing and deliverance , the spiritual harvest begins to multiply rapidly , with demonstration of power and authority , that they understood very well the first heralds of the word , ” Jesus said unto them , Have ye understood all these things? They answered : Yes, Lord. ” All preaching and teacher understands what the word says , so we must understand what we do , the Great Commission is for every believer who has been washed in the blood of Jesus …

Principles Of Environmental Analysis

This study stresses the importance of environmental analysis in planning strategies to reach the world with the Gospel. “Environmental analysis” is defined and reviewed in the Old and New Testament records. Instructions are given for doing a personal environmental analysis and analyzing people groups, geographic areas, nations, regions of the world, and Christian organizations.

Developing A Biblical World View

This course is the first in the Third Module of training of North Texas Collegiate Institute. Module One, entitled “Visualizing,” communicates the vision of spiritual harvest. The Module Two courses on “Deputizing” provide basic training to equip you to fulfill this vision. Module Three courses explain how to expand the vision you have received by sharing with others what you have learned. You will learn how to train laborers for spiritual harvest who will be able to train others also: And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (II Timothy 2:2) This continuing cycle of training is called “multiplying” because it multiplies the spiritual labor force.

Biblical Management Principles

This study presents principles of management revealed in God’s written Word, the Holy Bible. “Management” is another word for “stewardship.” “Stewards,” or “managers,” are responsible over something entrusted to them by someone else. As believers, each of us are managers of spiritual resources with which God has entrusted us. A serious problem with many Christian leaders is that of organizing and managing these spiritual resources. If laborers for spiritual harvest are few as the Bible indicates, then they should be properly organized and mobilized.

Battle for the Body Part II

The armor of God is likened to a sword , and the attack of Satan burning flejas were called and faith was the good warfare , and the believers who make war the ” Good Fight ” they said , the early church knew that she was engaged in a intense spiritual struggle. The defeat of a believer is due to the lack of knowledge in this spiritual war. And there’s another part of this war manifested in the physical realm , in this class we call Battle for the Body , explore this class.