Ministerial Diploma

Certificate in Bible studies |Ministerial Diploma | Bachelors in Theology| Masters in Theology |Doctorate in Theology | Doctorate in Divinity | Doctorate in Philosophy

The Ministerial Gift’s

The church that understands and learns to use the tools at their disposition, would become victorious in the development of the ministry, God choose the church as one organism with Jesus Christ and each member with a spiritual gift in function. The spiritual gift’s need to be discovered, dis-involved and exercise.

Fundamentals of Faith

The base of this course is the doctrines of the basic faith in Christianity. Doctrines are a collection of teachings about one specific topic. The basic doctrines of faith are the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ found the Bible.

The Principles of Mobilization

This course presents the base of biblical mobilization, and the qualities of those who mobilize other people to expand the Kingdom of God. One of the things you will learn that you cant follow God standing in one place, because the fire, the glory and the worship are forces of mobilization.

The Principles of Revival

In this course you learn about the exile and return of the Arc. You will learn that when the arc returned to Israel, It was among the people of Quiriat_Jearim for about 20 years. they had the symbol bout they were empty and they kept call on God; there was hunger and thirst of his power. Jerusalem was empty of the presence of God, even when the Arc was just 8 miles away from them.

Family Violence

The most effective couple, is the one that can realized the need that each other has to be heard and understood. Don’t you ever thing that you are the one responsible to change your partner. Don’t you ever fall into the mentality of focusing your energy into trying to change everything that surrounds you and try to solve it. The effective believer knows that it is impossible to change all things. Solving one of the problems starts another. the objective is not to solve all the problems, but to learn to live over all difficulties with God’s help.

The Strategies for the Harvest

The main focus of this topic is the Spiritual Vision of “The Strategies for the Harvest”. This course will walk you through the four steps to fulfill the Vision: Expectation, Conceptualization, Objectification and Strategy.

Administration by Objective

“Administration by Objective” is a method to direct the Christian Ministry in a orderly and effective fashion. It is not enough to just know the will of God for your life and for the ministry. You have to formalize definite plans to fulfill your calling in the spirit. You have to learn to work with God to fulfill his purpose and plans.

The Matrimony and The Family

Family was designed by God to supply the needs that He created in each person, and to perform his will in the world. This was the greatest and most important  “ACT” after creation. God established the matrimony as a “Pact” and not as a “Contract”.

Pastoral And Practical Theology

The ministers function is a very turbulent context that requires to be over all circumstances in life, and not be controlled by them. The ministers work will be define through the personal and interpersonal relations. His success depends on the capacity of providing a positive environment with his family, with the members of his church, with partners in his denomination and with his community.